Extended research project about resilient algorithms for quantum optimization

December 15, 2022

The Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism has been funding since 2001 the collaborative project “Quantum Optimization using Resilient Algorithms” (QORA), as part of its Competence Center Quantum Computing KQC. After a scientific review, this project has now been extended until 2024. The project aims at the development of optimization algorithms that can be executed on today’s unreliable quantum computers. The project contributes to the KQC’s vision to bring quantum computing into the industrial practice as fast as possible; it includes practical work on IBM’s 27-qubit computer in Ehningen. Partners of ITI-HOCOS in that project are further Universities and two institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. During the project’s first funding period, we improved the QAOA approach for optimization problems in finance and suggested new transpilation methods for potentially error-affected computers; this has led to several scientific publications. In the starting second period, we plan to extend the methods based on a detailed understanding of the computer’s hardware and its error mechanisms, and to consider further classes of optimization algorithm.

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