+49 711 685 88345
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Universitätsstraße 38
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.252
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- Investigation of the Influence of Transport Processes on Chemical Reactions in Bubbly Flows Using Space-Resolved In Situ Analytics and Simultaneous Characterization of Bubble Dynamics in Real-Time, Reactive Bubbly Flows. J. Guhathakurta; D. Schurr; G. Rinke; D. Grottke; Kraut M.; R. Dittmeyer and S. Simon. Springer (2021), pp. 163–196.
- Investigation of the Influence of Transport Processes on Chemical Reactions in Bubbly Flows Using Space-Resolved In Situ Analytics and Simultaneous Characterization of Bubble Dynamics in Real-Time. Jajnabalkya Guhathakurta; Daniela Schurr; Günter Rinke; Daniel Grottke; Manfred Kraut; Roland Dittmeyer and Sven Simon. In Reactive Bubbly Flows: Final Report of the DFG Priority Program 1740, Michael Schlüter; Dieter Bothe; Sonja Herres-Pawlis and Ulrich Nieken (eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021, pp. 163--196. DOI: